The Echoes of Incarceration Project is an award-winning documentary initiative produced by youth who are directly impacted by the criminal justice system. The project provides hands-on video production and advocacy training for young adults, and creates documentaries and video journalism pieces told from the life experiences of the filmmakers themselves.
The Echoes of Incarceration Project has created films for Sesame Street, UpWorthy, NowThis News, screened works at the White House, and was named a Robert Rauschenberg Artist-As-Activist Fellow in 2017.
The Echoes of Incarceration Project:
- Provides hands-on film training to youth ages 16-23.
- Creates films for criminal justice stakeholders about the needs of young people.
- Creates general-audience documentaries and video journalism about the intersection of the criminal justice system and youth.
The goal of the Echoes of Incarceration Project is to explore all the ways the criminal justice system interacts with, and misunderstands, young people, while harnessing the intelligence, energy, and creativity of youth to rethink our understanding of crime and punishment.
This set includes all the below DVD's:
Echoes of Incarceration:
This first film from the Echoes of Incarceration Project introduces viewers to the world of children with incarcerated parents in all their joy, pain, and resilience. Through the stories of four young people, as well as experts and advocates in the field, this film creates an emotional, compelling case for the importance of ongoing parental contact. The film has been shown thousands of times in prisons, universities, trainings around the country, and won the "Speaking Out" award at the Media That Matters Film Festival.
Caring Through Struggle:
Youth filmmakers explore the hidden issues faced by grandparents and caregivers raising children with incarcerated parents. Includes a 12-minute extra chapter for social workers. Created with help from the New York City Department of Aging, Grandparent Resource Center.
Visiting - Through the Youth Lens
Created in collaboration with Sesame Street and UpWorthy, this film premiered at the White House, and focuses on the importance of maintaining contact while a parent is incarcerated. Research has shown that a sustained relationship with a parent in prison is one the strongest factors in both reducing a child's trauma, and also in reducing that parent's rate of recidivism. Yet children often face huge resistance to visiting a parent. This film digs into the challenges, sorrows, and incredible joys of visiting a parent in prison, and addresses one of the deepest misconceptions that children with incarcerated parents face.
Re-Imagine the Future
Ten formerly incarcerated individuals tell inspiring stories of their journey from prison to college. This film was commissioned by the New York Department of Corrections, and is shown in facilities across the United States.
Passport to the Future: Accessing Higher Education in the Era of Mass Incarceration
This film, created with Soros Justice Fellow Nebay Rubenstein, explores the barriers to college admissions for applicants with criminal histories. Their stories become a window into our broken system of mass incarceration and reentry.