Mississippi Reentry Resources (MS)

The capital of Mississippi is Jackson, and its total population is 2,939,690.

With a total prison population of 17,332, Mississippi ranks 21 among other states and territories in the United States.

Mississippi has many urban centers such as Jackson, Gulfport, Southaven and Biloxi. These areas receive a disproportion number of Mississippi’s returning citizens.

Community, government, and non-profit organizations in Mississippi have developed many reentry resources to help individuals, families, and communities successfully navigate the transition process.

The following links and resources provide convenient access to reentry resources in Mississippi.


American Job Centers  |  American Job Centers provide a full array of employment and training-related services for workers, youth and businesses.  |  Click Here to View Document | PRINT + MAIL

CDC Where to Write for Vital Records  |  Vital records are state-issued certificates of birth, death, marriage and divorce maintained within a central location. Each record provides proof of a particular life event and is usually considered valid for obtaining most major forms of identification at both state and federal level.  |  Click Here to View Document | PRINT + MAIL

Federal Bonding Program  |  The Federal Bonding Program is a unique job placement tool to help job applicants get and keep a job. The program issues Fidelity Bonds and is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor.  |  Click Here to View Document | PRINT + MAIL

Incarcerated Veterans Reentry Guide  |  Developed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Health Care for Re-Entry Veterans Program, this guide addresses the community reentry needs of justice impacted veterans.  |  Click Here to View Document  |  PRINT + MAIL

National Directory of Drug & Alcohol Abuse Treatment Facilities  |  The National. Directory of Drug & Alcohol Abuse Treatment Facilities is a listing of federal, state, and local government facilities and private facilities that provide substance abuse treatment services.  |  Click Here to View Document | PRINT + MAIL

National Directory of Mental Health Treatment Facilities  |  The National Directory of Mental Health Treatment Facilities is a listing of federal, state, and local government facilities and private facilities that provide mental health treatment services.  |  Click Here to View Document | PRINT + MAIL

State Public Record Listings  |  State Public Record Listings (SPRLs) enable you to quickly reach government agencies and institutions that house public records.  |  Click Here to View Document | PRINT + MAIL

Work Opportunity Tax Credit  |  The Work Opportunity Tax Credit is a federal tax credit incentive, which Congress provides to private-sector businesses for hiring individuals from all target groups who have consistently faced significant barriers to employment.  |  Click Here to View Document | PRINT + MAIL



NOTE: As resources change frequently, this directory of reentry resources in intended to be dynamic and ever-changing. We welcome new resources that will enhance the completeness of this project.  Please email your suggestions to info@ReentryEssentials.org.